Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention!
Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Earn entries for our door prizes every time you host a game!Submit either an RPG or tabletop event here: https://terminalcitycon.ca/schedule/


avatar for Derek L

Derek L

Follow Metro Vancouver Clocktower's social links at https://vanclocktower.ca
Hosting events around town!

Company Metro Vancouver Clocktower
Position Storyteller
Location Metro Vancouver



Gavin L

Company Gavin Lim
Position He/Him




avatar for Kat L

Kat L

Storyteller & analog games enthusiast
I love storytelling in all forms, but my favourite way to tell new stories is collaboratively through tabletop role playing games. I prefer narrative games, and am familiar with a variety of game systems including Powered by the ApocalypsePolymorphDungeons & Dragons, and many indie-published games.
Talk to me about: game facilitation, playtesting, safety tools, solo games, board games
Position she/her



Kevin L

Kevin likes strategy and deck-builder games, some of my all-time favorites are Clank and Wingspan and Dune Imperium and Sleeping Gods...


avatar for Mark L


avatar for Rob Lazenby


avatar for JP LeBerg

JP LeBerg

Company Jean-Pascal Robert LeBerg
Position He/Him
Location New Westminster


avatar for Haymen Lee

Haymen Lee

Location Vancouver, British Columbia


avatar for Sejin Lee


avatar for Andrew Legros

Andrew Legros

Company Andrew Legros


avatar for Shannon Lentz

Shannon Lentz

Senior project manager at Panda Games Manufacturer and founder to TCTC. 
Company Panda GM


avatar for Meghan Lenz

Meghan Lenz

Company Listen to These Nerds Podcast


avatar for Roger Leroux

Roger Leroux

Omni gamer. Play tester. Board game reviewer. RPG aficionado.


avatar for Barry Li




avatar for Blair M






avatar for Patrick M


avatar for Shannon M

Shannon M

AKA Merewyn, RPG crazy person.  Warhammer enthusiast.  Bookworm.  Giant robot weeb.  


avatar for Tom M


avatar for Tom M

Tom M

Location thomasmckeephotography@gmail.com






avatar for Debbie Mah

Debbie Mah

Experienced warlock patron; ask me about trading your firstborn for Heroic Inspiration.
Company Raincity Games/Vancouver D&D Collective
Position Game Master/Moderator


avatar for Jaclyn Malberg

Jaclyn Malberg

Company Storm Brewers




avatar for Mike Manskopf


avatar for Carole Martin






avatar for Joseph Mei




avatar for Alex Michal


avatar for Christa Mitchell

Christa Mitchell

20+ year TTRPG veteran, lover of indie games, streamer, costumer, and rule of cool DM.
Company Quest Central Gaming Lounge
Position Game Expert


avatar for Tito MN

Tito MN

Tito's the classic example of someone who didn't see anyone running the TTRPGs that they wanted to play in--so the only recourse was to run those games themselves!! They return to TCTC25 for a second run of games they've picked up and enjoy, loving the experience of collaborative storytelling and teaching interactive experiences to new and experienced TTRPG players!


avatar for Jon Müller

Jon Müller

Hello Adventurers!

The name is Jon and I'm a singer/songwriter creative & performer that is anticipating a new career in music education! I have been a Game Master for 2 years mainly running D&D and some one page RPG's. I try to use my pension for arts and drama to help create stories that are fun and engaging for all players! At my table I like to use the rule of cool and enjoy when players collaborate with how the story unfolds.

When I'm not playing TTRPG's or board games I enjoy working out, drinking fancy coffees, and spending time with my wife and 2 children.

What To Expect for Tuboshiro

This... Read more
Position Music Educator | Performer
Location Burnaby, B.C




avatar for Tristan Murphy

Tristan Murphy

Talk to me about Dungeons & Dragons! I've been a professional *straightens tie* Dungeon Master for the past 5 years, but I really just love to play. Above all I am a story person, and I believe the best stories are the ones drip-fed to us little-by-little with the use of progressively harder obstacles! My ideal players are collaborators, with stories to share, and curiosities to sate. My games take inspiration from pretty much everything in life that I feel is ultimately* life affirming. You're just as likely to see references from Final Fantasy and a Song of Ice and Fire as ER: Emergency Room or Titanic in my games. (*Sources generally bleak or nihilistic... Read more


avatar for Bart N





Spencer N

Location spencer.nash92@gmail.com


avatar for Lawren Nemeth

Lawren Nemeth

Lawren Nemeth has 30 years of experience being Dungeon Master in a wide variety of roleplay games. As an active member of the local Dungeons & Dragons Community, he spends his time off work raising one young warrior princess and adventuring as a director of YVR Dungeon Masters - A Vancouver BC based non-profit that teaches new players, supports local Dungeon Masters and organizes gaming charities to support the community. Former Dungeon Master and DM liaison for D&D in a castle, Production manager for sword & Scroll but these days he just wants to play some TTRPGs with good people.

Ask me about... Read more
Company Yvr dungeon master society
Position Director
Location Burnaby







Austin O

Company Austin Levi Oursland
Position Patron


avatar for Nanjou O.

Nanjou O.

Company N/A
Position they/he/any




avatar for Robin Owen349








avatar for Nevi P




avatar for Alex Parenteau

Alex Parenteau

I make videos sometimes
Position Senior Partner
Location Vancouver




avatar for Cassio Pereira

Cassio Pereira

Location Kelowna


avatar for Nicolas Perez-Lozana








avatar for Al R

Al R

Location bartonfink1@gmail.com






avatar for Ethan R




avatar for Juan Carlos Corona R


avatar for Morgan R.








avatar for Amanda Robbins

Amanda Robbins

Amanda Robbins has been teaching English for Academic Purposes at Langara College since 2010. Currently, she is studying in the UBC Masters of Educational Technology Program. She's passionate about exploring how technology, culture, and AI intersect.

Company Langara College
Position Langara English for Academic Purposes instructor
Location BC


avatar for Joe Robinson

Joe Robinson

(he/him) Long time podcast addict, now working on one. When I'm not listening to fantastic actual play shows, you can find me buying rpg books I fully intend to read and run. Sometimes I even do.
Company Blades of Mayari
Position Producer




avatar for David Roy

David Roy

I'm a resident in Vancouver, loving fantasy and some science fiction. Love reading short stories. I'm also an avid video and board gamer.

I'm an aspiring writer, though I haven't had anything published.
Location Vancouver, British Columbia


avatar for Denis Ryan

Denis Ryan

I'm a fan of night to medium board games, that clock in around the hour mark. However, my all time favourite is Inis, followed by Battlestar Galactica. I also enjoy roll'n'write, and abstract. Outside of Tabletop, I love drawing, writing, animation and relaxing with my kids.
Company TCTC
Position Event Coordinator
Location Special Events


avatar for Charles S


avatar for Fish S

Fish S

3rd time TCTCing. 
Favorite games in 2024: Container, Brass B, Kanban EV, Nana & Nokosu Dice


avatar for Raman S

Raman S

Company Ramanpreet Singh
Position He/Him




avatar for Wingo S

Wingo S

Company Hot Banana Games
Position Board game designer
Location Vancouver


avatar for Zeca S

Zeca S

Location Vancouver, BC


avatar for Mike S.


avatar for Sharyn Sadauskas

Sharyn Sadauskas

Location Parksville, British Columbia


avatar for Miguel Salas








avatar for Jesse Scott

Jesse Scott

Jesse Scott (he/him) is a long time TTRPG player, Game Master, and bonafide fantasy nerd. He has run games for kids and adults, friends and strangers, and does his best to provide a safe and democratic space at his table for all.
Location Vancouver




avatar for Matthew Seagle

Matthew Seagle

Rpg Guy
Company TCTC
Position RPG Room Manager
Location RPG Room


avatar for Jennifer Seeley

Jennifer Seeley

Proto Alley camper. Game design and dev.
Long covid and how it's trying to kill me (if I've lost my voice, this is why).
Ultra casual MTG, coop games, lots of little pieces and tiles to touch.


avatar for Kevin Setiawan


avatar for Franky Seymour

Franky Seymour

Writer, gamer, cosplayer, nerd- who loves DnD, Thousand Year Old Vampire, and reading stupidly long rule books while organising board game pieces into little bags :)
Location Vancouver


avatar for Mike Sheehan


avatar for Phil Shuttlewood

Phil Shuttlewood

I have been roleplaying for 30 years, mainly D&D but also odd games that explore something from a different angle.  I wrote and ran the Inritius Alliance Live Action Roleplay (LARP) system in the Fraser Valley.
As a career I support poverty level trash collectors in the developing world rescuing plastic before it can become pollution and ensuring it is recycled.
Company Plastic Bank
Position Senior Director
Location Langley



Hardeep Sidhu

Location dyp@pobox.com


avatar for Chris Slater

Chris Slater

Organizer for Game Kicks for a Quick Fix. Talk to me about running or playing new or indie games at our monthly game table.

Also interested in: Mage: The Ascension, L5R, D&D, Blades in the Dark, Over the Edge or any game that game you backed on Kickstarter
Company Game Kicks for a Quick Fix!
Position Game Designer
Location Vancouver, BC


avatar for Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith

I've been in the Greater Vancouver Area for about a year and have completely fallen in love with BC’s rich gaming culture. Some of my favorite games include Twilight Imperium, Arcs, Root, Oath, Gloomhaven, Blood Rage, and many more!

I currently run Greater Vancouver Games (GVG), an amazing Discord community for board gamers in the area. Whether you're into epic 4X sagas, deep strategy, or quick and clever card games, we'd love to have you join us!

I’m always up for talking games, mathematics, sci-fi books, and the wild adventure of raising a five-year-old—oh, and did I mention games? I love playing them, teaching them, and bringing new players into the hobby. Come roll some dice with us... Read more
Company Greater Vancouver Games (GVG)
Position Founder, Admin

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Terminal City Tabletop Convention 2025
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