Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention!
Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Earn entries for our door prizes every time you host a game!Submit either an RPG or tabletop event here: https://terminalcitycon.ca/schedule/




avatar for Jon Dawes

Jon Dawes

Pen and paper roleplaying games, board games, card games, video games, veganism, cooking, music, e-sports, art, literature, history, activism, cross dressing, goth/punk/glam/grunge/romantic, cinema.
Location Vancouver, British Columbia


avatar for Peggy DB

Peggy DB

Location Coquitlam




avatar for Jeran Delapp


avatar for Brent Disbrow

Brent Disbrow

Location Vancouver BC




avatar for Bill Dixon

Bill Dixon

Long time 18xx Gamer and Designer.
Location North Vancouver


avatar for Joel Doonan




avatar for Blair Driedger

Blair Driedger

(he/him) is passionate about sharing his love of gaming with others! He loves teaching games to new players, and can often be found at friendly local games stores recommending games to other customers! Blair loves playing any kind of tabletop game, though RPGs and strategy games are his favourites. Blair’s professional background is in Business Systems management and Information Technology. Owner of Adventure Dice and Plaid Dog Events Ltd.
Company TCTC
Position Events and Logistics Manager
Location Venue



Dirk van den Driesen

It was about 1983 (was 10). Was looking at a red box box with a dragon on it in the isle of a department store. Was with my grandparents, and guess what, they bought for me. They had no idea what was set in motion.
First, much confusion (after using the supplied white crayon to color the dice), second finding/creating a community to play with, then many different RPGs played out on a porch or in a basement with parents coming down asking "who is winning?" grrrrr, and 40 years later I am still playing (minus a 15 year hiatus for family commitments).
Have been playing 5e for 6 years now. Currently... Read more
Company Dirk van den Driesen
Position He/Him


avatar for Aaron Duly


avatar for Evan Duly


avatar for Mario Dumouchel

Mario Dumouchel

Pronouns: He/him
Class: Lab worker
Alignment: Lawful chaotic
Species: Human
Intelligence: -1
Board games enjoying at the moment: Faraway, Planet Unknown, Earth, Parks, Viticulture, Explorers of the North Sea
TTRPG Experience: Long dry spell since high school, now playing one off DND sessions for a year
DND Class preference: Druids and bards
Other hobbies: cycling, hiking, yoga, curling
Last videogame: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


avatar for Dave Dunkerley



Ted Durnin

I am a writer and game designer with several projects on the go. Yachego is almost ready to prototype and publish and I am looking forward to any feedback at the event. Other projects include writing fantasy fiction, RPG modules and also working on a fantasy advent calendar.
Company Theodore Durnin
Position He/Him
Location Powell River, BC


avatar for Sandy E

Sandy E

I enjoy Euro games, engine builders, quirky themes and beautiful game art. 
Company Sandy Eix
Position Patron




avatar for Mathias F

Mathias F

TTRPG Fan and Amateur Designer
Location mathias.flagel@gmail.com




avatar for Marissa Fischer

Marissa Fischer

Rissa Johnson is a fat, queer, left-handed, Jewish, dyslexic, insomniac who stays up all night wrestling with Dog. A creative writer and technical editor, their poetry and flash fiction have won awards, including the City of Surrey Youth Recognition Award in Creative Contributions. They have been published in StrongVerse and Polar Borealis.
Location Gibsons, BC, Canada


avatar for Chris Fleming

Chris Fleming

Twilight Imperium is as much of a go-to game for me as it can be for a 5+ hour game in the schedule of a student and parent.

Other favorites include Dune, Galactic Scoundrels, and 5e. My regular rpg group is switching things up, and I'm looking forward to DMing and playing one-shots in other systems to find the right one to DM my next campaign.


avatar for Sam Fregien

Sam Fregien

Company TCTC
Position She/They, Volunteer Manager
Location Main Hall








avatar for Jeremy G

Jeremy G

Film technician.  Former craps dealer.  I love dice.
Location Cobble Hill, British Columbia


avatar for Kat G


avatar for Peter G












avatar for Joe Gagnon

Joe Gagnon

Fan of most games and game design in general.
Favourite RPGs are ShadowRun, Blades in the Dark, Pathfinder, and Dresden Files (in that order).
Location JGagnon


avatar for Alex Gaiger

Alex Gaiger

Company Boardwalk Cafe and Games
Position Events Coordinator


avatar for Rain City Games

Rain City Games

Vancouver and New West's friendly local game store
Our two stores in downtown Vancouver and New Westminster, BC are filled to the brim with board games, card games, jigsaw puzzles, and more!
Location Vancouver & New West



Kelsy Ganie

Company MTICS




avatar for Andy Garland


avatar for Stefy (& Gianma)

Stefy (& Gianma)

My name is Stefania and my partner’s name is Gianmario.
We are Italian and Canadian too now.
We have completely fallen in love with board games in the past years
We love how the games make us connect each other and meet new people
We love how the games bring us a lot of fun and smiles and sometimes even challenge us.
We love how around a game we can create beautiful memories 🥰
The real game master in our family is Gianma, my partner, he is the one teaching me to play almost every game and I am very grateful for that.
Search for his profile - Gianma (& Stefy) to know him better!! ☺️

We can’t wait for this convention to start and we hope to play a lot of games, discovering new ones and making some friends... Read more
Company Stefania Abbate
Position Patron


avatar for Robin Gibson

Robin Gibson

Hi, I'm Robin Gibson. I'm an avid player, designer, and facilitator of board, card, and role-playing games. My favorite games are tiny and weird, where the designer trusts the players.
Company Metal Snail Idea Workshop
Location Powell River, British Columbia


avatar for Rodney Gitzel


avatar for Tim Gjernes

Tim Gjernes

Love playing many different heavier Euro games and more. Favourites include Terraforming Mars, Scythe, Terra Mystica, Caverna, Century series, Azul series, almost all big Vital Lacerda games.
Location Coquitlam


avatar for Scott Glasgow


avatar for Kate Glazko


avatar for Michelle Godbout

Michelle Godbout

Location Vancouver


avatar for Kennedy Goodkey

Kennedy Goodkey

Pretty much a game player from the cradle, and presumably to the grave - but let's not get ahead of ourselves. A "Forever DM" in remission.Kennedy is the primary designer behind Hobbyists or Dabblers Games. Winter Palace. Hobbyists or Dabblers' newest effort - partnered with Digital Zebra Media - is a digitally enabled social deduction game. Come and visit us at our booth in Proto-Alley and sign up for one of our 7 demo sessions throughout the TCTC weekend.
Company Hobbyists or Dabblers Games


avatar for Mike Goodmurphy

Mike Goodmurphy

I like gaming, table top and rpgs
Company gamer
Position dps
Location campbell river


avatar for Peter Gorniak

Peter Gorniak

I'm one of the designers of Seas of Havoc. There'll be a copy in the library and I'm running a play-to-win - feel free to sign up!
Company Peter Gorniak


avatar for Matthew Graham

Matthew Graham

Location Port Coquitlam




avatar for Jordan Grundy

Jordan Grundy

Newer to boardgames, LOVE Sci-Fi and Fantasy, avid Canucks fan, foodie, anime, coffee fanatic.


avatar for Ryan Guerra

Ryan Guerra

Location Langley, British Columbia


avatar for Kari Gustafson

Kari Gustafson

Location Chilliwack


avatar for Joshua De Guzman

Joshua De Guzman

I'm an avid boardgamer who loves to play a wide variety of board games. My favourite boardgames include KeyForge, Terraforming Mars, 7 Wonders, Dune Imperium: Uprising!


avatar for Adam H






avatar for Juergen H




avatar for Peter Haldenby


avatar for Hilary Hall

Hilary Hall

I have been gaming online solidly since we went indoors three years ago.  I like family games, especially with cute animals like cat lady, calico, bunny kingdom, spots!   Can go for some heavy games like Through the Ages and Terraforming Mars.
Location Vancouver/Coquitlam


avatar for Matthew Hall



Steph Hall

diving, snorkelling, travelling, D&D, movies, books
Location Vancouver bc


avatar for Jocelyn Hallman

Jocelyn Hallman

I’m here for narrative roleplaying games that focus on relationships, interpersonal dynamics, and shared experiences. I especially love stories about found family or that ask us to question and reimagine what it means to care for one another.


avatar for Doug Hayes

Doug Hayes

I'm the owner/publisher of Vedder Press I've been playing TTRPG's for 46 years and have been lucky enough to have played various games with the creators of those games. I'm very dyslexic but a three-dimensional thought process allows be to occasionally think up something worth putting on paper.I also play test D&D and Pathfinder adventures at hobby stores thought the lower mainland and would like to play test my newest 1st level adventure for the attendees of Terminal City Tabletop Convention. My Avatar in the Profile is Elisha a character I created over 35 years ago.
Company Vedder Press
Position Publisher
Location Raven Port




avatar for Gregory Holditch

Gregory Holditch

Miniature painter, promoter, professor in the Pacific Northwest!
I host by-monthly miniature painting classes at Langara College - reach out for details!
Company westcoast_minis
Location Vancouver, BC





Alan Hopkins


It is great to be going to a gaming conference for the first time in my life. In addition to being a lifelong Dungeon Master and occasional player of Dungeons & Dragons, here are a few things I can say about myself an introduction:

I am a teacher at lower mainland public school, focussed on English language learning and Music. One of my greatest joys in life in a volunteer capacity in connection with my teaching is in directing a children’s choir that shares music through singing and dancing in the school end in the community beyond. I strongly believe that the relationships that we build with people around us as we support, inspire, and celebrate, each other’s creative passions creates a better world for all of us, as we learn ways to be more resilient in life through. using our creative imaginations to thrive, not just... Read more
Position Teacher


avatar for Dan Horwood




avatar for Alia J. Hudson

Alia J. Hudson

Hi there! I'm Alia, a Vancouver local and this is my first time presenting games for the public, so be nice!
I've been active online playing with groups such as Exquisite Corpse Presents, FivePercentChance, and the QueerXP podcast.
I'm a trans, queer, woman who is currently studying ASL, and aiming to be an interpreter, so I run inclusive games and am completely intolerant of intolerance.

Hope to see you at my table and roll on!

Alia J. Hudson
Company The Lost & Wyrd
Position My, that's forward of you!


avatar for Ming Hudson


avatar for Joanne Hui

Joanne Hui

Board game enthusiast, euro game lover, coffee drinker, Cricut crafter. If you have a dog 🐶, I may remember their name before yours (I’m sorry!). Home organization lover; favourite pastime: organizing board games components and boxes onto shelves. In my spare time, I work as a pharmacist! j4joanne
Position She/Her


avatar for Ken Hullett


avatar for Apparently Human


avatar for Michael I

Michael I

Member of "Board Games & Tea", where we host weekly public board game events in Port Moody, in accordance with the official proclamation for BC. I teach euro-style games and host social deduction sessions for all ages at our community events. When not immersed in the hobby, I do technical writing, geek out on espresso and make amazing gelato!
Company Michael Ilich
Position He/Him
Location Coquitlam



Hayley Ingham

Company Hayley Ingham
Position Patron


avatar for Ayman Itani


avatar for Rob J






avatar for Ivan K

Ivan K

Company Ivan Khalopik
Position He/Him


avatar for JOOKS




avatar for Danilo Pires Kaltner


avatar for Chironjeev (CJ) Kanjilal

Chironjeev (CJ) Kanjilal

Company Chironjeev Kanjilal
Position He/Him, They/Them



Dhruv Kapoor

cheese cake


avatar for Shannon Kapoor


avatar for Michael R. Keller

Michael R. Keller

Location Vancouver, BC


avatar for Sandi Kilby


avatar for Dennis Kneebone


avatar for Stephan Koenig

Stephan Koenig

Company University of British Columbia
Position Science Education Specialist
Location Vancouver


avatar for Alanna Kriz


avatar for Andy L


avatar for Che L

Che L

I've been that forever player who went to cram school for rules-lawyering and knew all the rules but never got comfortable enough to run a game. I suspect it may have something to do with my Asian upbringing.. But recently, I've been listening to a podcast about Asian representation in the TTRPG world and felt that it's time for me to try and be more vocal and try to step up and run or do something and just forget about being perfect.

I have always been a daydreamer with an overactive imagination. Being able to channel my energy into TTRPG has been very rewarding and has helped me learn more ab... Read more



Danyela L

Company Danyela Lee
Position She/Her

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Terminal City Tabletop Convention 2025
From $0.00
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