About me
Lifelong nerd; started early with Tolkien and Redwall, Zelda and Final Fantasy in the 90s. Have proceeded to devour whatever fantasy book series I can thrift. Introduced to TTRPGs in the early 2000s by an older neighbour running a couple sessions of AD&D 1st edition. Went out and grabbed all of the AD&D hard backs (they were cheap then!) and spent the next several years painstakingly trying to decipher those esoteric texts. Eventually roped some friends into playing a highly home brewed version of 1/2e.
I’ve spent 100s of hours DMing 1e, and have some experience running and/or playing in 5e (2014), Shadowdark, Fallout 2d20, OSE, CyBorg and OrcBorg.
Over the last few years I’ve developed an interest in OSR style games, mini painting, terrain building, cartography, world building and game design.
Discord - jeezus86