Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention!
Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Earn entries for our door prizes every time you host a game!Submit either an RPG or tabletop event here: https://terminalcitycon.ca/schedule/

Venue: RPG Table - RPB5 clear filter
Friday, March 14

15:30 PDT

Monster of the Week — Big Haunt on Campus FULL
Friday March 14, 2025 15:30 - 19:30 PDT
The annual Valentine’s Party at the Triple Phi fraternity is legendary, but the bodies found on the lawn aren’t usually dead. This year, basketball star Louis “The Buck” Buckner was hurled from his window during the party. His room was locked from the inside, and his girlfriend, Candy, was in the bathroom at the time. Buckner was thrown with such force he cleared the porch roof on the way to the lawn. When found, his lifeless body was covered in a thin layer of frost, although it was an unusually warm winter’s night. There was no other frost nearby. Can the hunters find the killer before it strikes again?

Everyone (Players 13+)
Game Masters
Friday March 14, 2025 15:30 - 19:30 PDT
RPG Table - RPB5 RPG Room
Saturday, March 15

09:30 PDT

Atomic Robo — The Bermuda Job FULL
Saturday March 15, 2025 09:30 - 13:30 PDT
A cruise ship should have reached port but never showed, when coast guard vessels found it, it was hovering 50 feet in the air. Rescue crews sent aboard via helicopter have disappeared. Not knowing what to do next, the coast guard has turned to Tesladyne, hoping that they can find an answer and rescue the crew and missing rescuers. Will the Action Scientists of Tesladyne get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon?  

Everyone (Players 13+)
Game Masters
Saturday March 15, 2025 09:30 - 13:30 PDT
RPG Table - RPB5 RPG Room

14:00 PDT

Spire — Blood and Dust FULL
Saturday March 15, 2025 14:00 - 18:00 PDT
The brutal undercity of Red Row is more chaotic than ever. Where before gangs would pass each other with holstered weapons and wary glances,  each keeping to their respective territories, now they engage in open warfare, and spireblack gunsmoke floats through the dark city. Families come apart, leaving children without mothers, begging on the streets for sustenance. The Crimson Vigil, a group of violent anti-aelfir reactionaries, are openly recruiting soldiers for their forbidden cult. And a new play, The Weeping Maiden, is touring the district – and that’s all anyone seems to talk about.

Things are coming apart, and ordinary people are getting caught in the middle. Someone is behind this. The player characters, all of them noted professionals in Red Row (and relative novices in the Ministry) gather their resistance cell together and start investigating.

Everyone (Players 13+)
Game Masters
Saturday March 15, 2025 14:00 - 18:00 PDT
RPG Table - RPB5 RPG Room

19:00 PDT

Troika! — Troika Urban Refuse Disposal Service FULL
Saturday March 15, 2025 19:00 - 23:00 PDT
It can be hard to make ends meet in the Infinite City. Scrape together enough to pay for your flat and maybe get some chips as barely-paid sanitary workers in the gonzo science fantasy city of Troika. 
This session is a wide open city crawl sandbox driven by the players. Fight with harpies over a valuable library book! Gamble with dwarves! Eat magic dumplings! Ride the Meat Train! Contract diseases! Uncover hidden caches of treasure! Get hassled by private security trolls! Do necromancy! Exterminate gremlins from public buildings! Pick mushrooms! Rob a bank operated entirely by chickens!
Pregenerated characters will be provided.
Game Masters
avatar for Robin Gibson

Robin Gibson

Metal Snail Idea Workshop
Hi, I'm Robin Gibson. I'm an avid player, designer, and facilitator of board, card, and role-playing games. My favorite games are tiny and weird, where the designer trusts the players.
Saturday March 15, 2025 19:00 - 23:00 PDT
RPG Table - RPB5 RPG Room
Sunday, March 16

09:30 PDT

Fall of Delta Green — On a Bank, By Moonlight FULL
Sunday March 16, 2025 09:30 - 13:30 PDT
1968. Two people in the small town of Milltown, NY die on the same night. One was a tragic car accident; the other, shot in self-defence by the police. Both were members of the same commune of hippies and drop-outs that’s taken over a farm just outside town.

Police reports contain references to chanting. To carven idols. To strange ceremonies by moonlight.

As Agents of DELTA GREEN, a top-secret branch of the US Government, your mission is to investigate those deaths, find out the truth – and take whatever action is necessary to eradicate any unnatural influence. When your predecessors raided Innsmouth in 1928, DELTA GREEN saw what the unnatural can do if it takes root in America.

It cannot be allowed to happen again.

Adult (Players 18+)
Game Masters
Sunday March 16, 2025 09:30 - 13:30 PDT
RPG Table - RPB5 RPG Room
From $0.00

Terminal City Tabletop Convention 2025
From $0.00
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