What price would you pay to achieve your wildest dreams?
What risks would you take to change the world?
For a select few, these questions aren’t hypothetical. They’re an offer.
An offer to sign the Contract.Here’s the gist: The Contract is a tabletop roleplaying game about ambitious people who go on deadly missions to earn fantastic powers. It isn’t Ocean’s 11. You’re not a specialised team, but you’ll have to work together if you want to win.
There’s a quaint little boba tea store called Bobasaurus in San Francisco with drinks such as the Bobasaurus Rex selling like hot cakes. You’ve been hired to check it out, and locate the source of… Delta radiation?
Think you have what it takes?Everyone (Players 16+)
CONTENT WARNING: Potential disturbing depictions of mob violence.
* Pregenerated characters will be provided, but it is
highly encouraged for you to make your own character before the session. You may also join with any pre-existing Newbies (0-3 wins) from playgroups without house rules. You can make a character and learn the rules beforehand on the site:
https://www.thecontractrpg.com/* Characters will still need GM’s approval day of or prior to the session
* Note that this is optional, and rules will also be taught during the session.
* If you have any questions or need a character approved, don’t hesitate to contact the GM through Discord or email.
Power Required