Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention! Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Continuing last year's tradition, I'm starting the convention off by hosting a game that is simple, fast, but full of interaction. The perfect way to warm up your brain! OG aficionados and Auction fans may apply, but don't forget your fighting pants, because this game can get nasty.
Tichu is a classic hand-shedding/ladder climbing game with a twist. 2 teams of four players make bets on whose hand will be shed first. Special cards like the dog, dragon, phoenix and the ever present threat of the bomb combine to make this classic an absolute thriller.
Depending on how many participants are interested, we may have a little tournament.
This year, Holi takes place on March 14th- why not celebrate with a game?
In HOLI: Festival of Colors, players gather to celebrate the end of winter as they spread colorful powder on each other, dancing and celebrating new beginnings.
Mechanisms & Features:
Area Control - Colored powder tokens spread across the board and onto other players, covering the board in the pattern selected. 3-Tier Board - Players ascend to have their powder fall from above, giving up victory points for better control. Puzzle-like Action Selection - Color cards determine the pattern colored powder will fly in, giving players room to select the pattern that works best for them. Variable Scoring Condition - Each game can have slightly different scoring conditions, adding depth and replayability.
A hidden role deduction game where each player is secretly a member of one of three factions (sailor, pirate, cultist) each trying to navigate a ship to a separate destination. Rounds are structured by a designated captain choosing a lieutenant and a navigator, taking a mutiny vote and secretly choosing from randomly drawn navigation cards to steer the ship. The secondary events on both the board and the selected navigation card provide many opportunities to determine who you can trust, manipulate the deck and even convert another player to your cause!
Member of "Board Games & Tea", where we host weekly public board game events in Port Moody, in accordance with the official proclamation for BC. I teach euro-style games and host social deduction sessions for all ages at our community events. When not immersed in the hobby, I do technical... Read More →
Develop rail systems on a new map every play in this modular 18xx style game. Every game starts with a new map. Small companies start in random order. Start minor companies and merge them into bigger systems.
Note: This is two games run by two different people but on one table. Attendees will be split into two groups.
Come play my favourite game!This game by Carl Chudyk is a journey through innovations from the stone age through modern times. Each player builds a civilization based on various technologies, ideas, and cultural advancements, all represented by cards. Each of these cards has a unique power which will allow further advancement, point scoring, or even attacking other civilizations. Be careful though, as other civilizations may be able to benefit from your ideas as well!
Knizia is likely the most prolific board game designer in history, with over 700 games to his name. We will be meeting at noon, and splitting into 1-2 groups, to play a 3-4 Knizia games together. We will choose to play games out of his such as classics like Through the Desert, Taj Mahal, Ra, Tigris and Euphrates, Amun Re, or Medici, as well as some lesser-known gems such as Rheinlander, Stephenson's Rocket, and Orongo. Feel free to bring some your favourite Knizia games!
Reiner Knizia's most famous auction game, where players bid for sets of Egyptian artifacts and societal resources in order to attain the highest score over three epochs. Each player draws tiles in sequence until a red "Ra" tile is drawn or a player "invokes Ra", signalling an auction. Use your 3 bidding tiles wisely, as you must take all tiles up for auction if you win and a new bidding tile for the next epoch.
Member of "Board Games & Tea", where we host weekly public board game events in Port Moody, in accordance with the official proclamation for BC. I teach euro-style games and host social deduction sessions for all ages at our community events. When not immersed in the hobby, I do technical... Read More →
Amsterdam is a unique euro game by Stephan Feld where players are racing to deliver goods and play cards by acquiring cubes through a novel system: the more cubes you want, the longer you have to wait for them.
Come play some Japanese trick-taking games! Options include Yokai Septet, Nokosu Dice, Schadenfreude. There will be two tables, hosted by myself and Yann G
End the evening with a relaxed word-game cooldown!
If you were going to head back to your hotel to get in a daily Wordle before bed, come try this game! It's Wordle, but where the sneaky Lie-brarian will try to mislead players, who work co-operatively to provide guesses, by swapping correct/false/wrong place clues.
This game usually includes a timer, but I will not enforce this unless the group wants it. This game is also played over multiple rounds with each player getting chance to try out the Lie-brarian - I believe 1.5 hours will give us time to play multiple rounds even without strictly sticking to the timer times. Feel free to come and go as table-space allows :)
In Comic Hunters, you and the other players are hunting to make your collection the most complete and distinguished comic collection of various Marvel Heroes
Make a new map for every game. Small companies(each with their own different ability) come out in random order. Merge small companies into bigger systems.
Come play some Japanese trick-taking games! Options include Yokai Septet, Nokosu Dice, Schadenfreude. There will be two tables, hosted by myself and Yann G