Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention!
Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Earn entries for our door prizes every time you host a game!Submit either an RPG or tabletop event here: https://terminalcitycon.ca/schedule/

Saturday March 15, 2025 19:00 - 23:00 PDT
Experience an awesome multi-table D&D experience! Your choices, successes, and wins will influence other tables. Work together to save the day!

Deep in the Greypeak Mountains the fire giant warlord Baron Ugarak has enslaved hundreds of small folk to toil in his iron mines furiously extracting elementally infused ore for an as yet unknown purpose. Surrounded by a monstrous army and decidedly shady allies, the Baron poses a dire threat to the goodly folk of the north.
A Four-Hour Epic Adventure for 1st-10th Level Characters.

This is an Adventurers League (AL) session, if you are new to D&D or Adventurers League, pre-gen character will be provided, or you can bring your own AL legal character for Forgotten Realm setting. Players will be divided into two tier-1 tables (for characters level 1-4) and two tier-2 tables (for character level 5-10), each table will seat 4-6 players. All tables are working toward the same goal, gear up and ready for some cross-table-fun!

Everyone (Players 13+)
Game Masters

Nicholas Tsai

Vancouver D&D Collective
avatar for Tim Tjiong

Tim Tjiong

DM / Organizer
Forever DM, part time player, sometime optimizer. Let's talk character concepts, reflavoring, and share funny moments at the tables.
Saturday March 15, 2025 19:00 - 23:00 PDT
RPG Room EPIC Tables E1-2 & F1-3 RPG Room

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