Western Canada’s Largest Tabletop Gaming Convention!
Join us March 14-16, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre - East (aka Canada Place) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Earn entries for our door prizes every time you host a game!Submit either an RPG or tabletop event here: https://terminalcitycon.ca/schedule/

Friday March 14, 2025 15:30 - 19:30 PDT
(D&D, Pathfinder, 13th Age)

In Banners & Blades: The Siege of Sanctum, you and your allies will take command of armies, lead daring raids, and rally forces to defend the innocent people of Sanctum against an incoming siege. Bring your favorite fantasy character, yes! your favorite fantasy character regardless of the system to this narrative driven cinematic mass combat mini-game for your favorite TTRPG's. Will you fortify strongholds to hold the line, or launch devastating assaults to break through the enemy line? Your decisions will shape the course of Sanctums future against those who would destroy it.

Featuring tactical yet intuitive gameplay, compelling strategy, and dynamic storytelling, this session combines the thrill of large-scale battles with the heart of traditional fantasy. The banners are raised. The blades are drawn. Will you lead your forces to victory or see your kingdom fall?

Everyone (Players 13+) 

Game Masters
Friday March 14, 2025 15:30 - 19:30 PDT
RPG Table - RPE5 RPG Room

Attendees (6)

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