About me
It was about 1983 (was 10). Was looking at a red box box with a dragon on it in the isle of a department store. Was with my grandparents, and guess what, they bought for me. They had no idea what was set in motion.
First, much confusion (after using the supplied white crayon to color the dice), second finding/creating a community to play with, then many different RPGs played out on a porch or in a basement with parents coming down asking "who is winning?" grrrrr, and 40 years later I am still playing (minus a 15 year hiatus for family commitments).
Have been playing 5e for 6 years now. Currently running The Wild Beyond the Witchlight for an online group and and an in person kids group with the City of Burnaby. This is my first board game convention and looking forward to meeting the community at large.